Reminder : please turn on your inspector first because we may put logs there if needed.

Change position

var tripToChangePosition = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-change-position.step1"), content : "North", position : "n" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-position.step2"), content : "East",  position : "e" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-position.step3"), content : "South", position : "s" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-position.step4"), content : "West",  position : "w" }
], {


$(".demo-change-position").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation for more supported positions.

Change theme

var tripToChangeTheme = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-change-theme.step1"), content : "North", position : "n" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-theme.step2"), content : "East",  position : "e" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-theme.step3"), content : "South", position : "s" },
  { sel : $(".demo-change-theme.step4"), content : "West",  position : "w" }
], {
  tripTheme : "white",
  onStart : function() {
    $("body").css({ "background-color" : "#eee" });
  onEnd : function() {
    $("body").css({ "background-color" : "#fff" });

$(".demo-change-theme").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation for more supported themes.

Scoll to top when finished

var tripToScrollToTop = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-scroll-to-top.step1"), content : "Let's fly ...", position : "e" }
], {
  backToTopWhenEnded : true,
  delay : 2000

$(".demo-scroll-to-top").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation here.

Show close box and navigation buttons

var tripToShowNavigation = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-show-navigation.step1"), content : "Hola!", position : "n" },
  { sel : $(".demo-show-navigation.step2"), content : "Adios!", position : "s" }
], {
  showNavigation : true,
  showCloseBox : true,
  delay : -1

$(".demo-show-navigation").on("click", function() {

Check documentation about showNavigation and showCloseBox

Note: When enabling showNavigation, sometimes it means that you don't need the countdown timer ! Users will mainly use navigation buttons to go next / previous. So don't forget to set delay to -1 to disable it.

Global options

Please use inspector to check logs before starting this trip

var tripToCheckGlobalOptions = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-global-options.step1"), content : "Hi", position : "n" },
  { sel : $(".demo-global-options.step2"), content : "Press ESC to stop this step !", position : "s", delay : 3000, myFunction : function() { return "this is user's function"; } },
  { sel : $(".demo-global-options.step3"), content : "Click the close icon to see what's going on in your console log", delay: -1, showCloseBox: true }
], {
  onStart : function() {
  onEnd : function() {
  onTripStop : function() {
  onTripChange : function(i, tripData) {
    if (i === 1) {
      console.log("You can put your own function or data in tripData andaccess it onTripChange !");
      console.log("current tripIndex : " + i);
      console.log("current tripData : ", tripData);
      console.log("User's function : " + tripData.myFunction());
  onTripClose: function(i) {
    console.log("You close the trip at index : ", i);

$(".demo-global-options").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation for more supported options;

Note : There are tons of settings that you can tweak, please remember to check other missing settings.

Local options

Supported after 2.0.0+

Please use inspector to check logs before starting this trip

var tripToCheckLocalOptions = new Trip([
    sel: $('.demo-local-options.step1'),
    content: 'onTripStart will be called when entering this trip',
    onTripStart: function(tripIndex) {
      console.log('onTripStart : ', tripIndex);
    onTripEnd: function(tripIndex) {
      console.log('onTripEnd : ', tripIndex);
    sel: $('.demo-local-options.step2'),
    content: 'We will use global onTripStart if there is no local one',
    onTripEnd: function(tripIndex) {
      console.log('onTripEnd : ', tripIndex);
], {
  delay: 3000,
  onTripStart: function(tripIndex) {
    console.log('default onTripStart : ', tripIndex);

$('.demo-local-options').on('click', function() {

Check its documentation for more supported options;

Note : If local options exist, then global options will be suppressed by default !

Highlight target

var tripToHighlight = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-highlight.step1"), content : "Highlight this", expose : true }
], {
  delay : 3000

$(".demo-highlight").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation here.


Powered by animate.css

var tripToChangeAnimation = new Trip([
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step1"), content : "hi"},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step2"), content : "hi", animation: 'bounce'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step3"), content : "hi", animation: 'shake'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step4"), content : "hi", animation: 'fadeIn'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step5"), content : "hi", animation: 'fadeInUp'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step6"), content : "hi", animation: 'fadeInDown'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step7"), content : "hi", animation: 'fadeInLeft'},
  { sel : $(".demo-animation.step8"), content : "hi", animation: 'rotateInUpRight'}
], {
  delay : 1500,
  animation: 'tada'

$(".demo-animation").on("click", function() {

Check its documentation and supported animations here.